Emotion'S mini function AT GMF by LaQuéfa 007 am 23.02.2020

Sonntag, 23. Februar 2020
20:00 Uhr
GMF Berlin
Klosterstra?e 44
10179 Berlin
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😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊Emotion's mini function Presented by LaQuéfa 007, hosted by GMF!

Third edition!!!

The Theme for all the Categories of the night is "Emotion's”. We want to celebrate the power of being special,being Extravagant and being different to the masses. Be inspired by "Emotion's".

Every emotion have a color show your color !!!

Open for newbies and everybody to express themselves ...

LaQuéfa 007 is giving a voguing pre contest before the Party starts in cooperation with GMF.

Let’s have a kiki.

Every Month we have different topics!

When: every last Sunday of the month the next one is gonna be on the 29.03.2020 - "B-yonce" mini kiki function !!!

😀Doors @ 20 Uhr

😀Roll Call @ 21 Uhr

😀Start @ 21:30 Uhr

😀End @ 23:30 Uhr -> GMF Starts
Electro Floor: In cooperation with M-appeal queer film party at Berlinale!
- Tomchak

Pop Floor:
- FKA [GMF // LDN // AMS]
- Gloria Viagra [GMF // Schwuz]

Just as the House and Ballroom Culture itself, the Kiki Scene was born in NYC. What first started in the form of mock balls and made up houses to "Kiki" with one another was later formed into an actual scene dedicated to and focused on black and Latinx LGBTQ youth. The intent was to educate and strengthen the younger community. Ballroom Culture became a medium to provide health outreach and create a safe haven to escape everyday life and challenges, as well as helping to master them. Over the years the Kiki scene has grown way beyond that and has become very much like the main scene in many ways. However, the initial idea remains.


In the context of ballroom and voguing, a Kiki Function or Kiki Ball is as mentioned before more about the younger generation and about having fun, the competition level is not the first priority. If you enjoy fashion, dance, and creativity, this can be your space to express yourself freely and learn a thing or two on the way. For existing members of the community, it also gives them a chance to try out new categories they have never walked before or would not walk in the main scene.


😊MC: Mothe Zueira Angels

😊Host: LaQuéfa 007






😀Shake That Ass - RED (ANGRY)

😀Tag team Performance (one Beginner and one Advance) - GREEN (PROUD)

😀Face - WHITE (SHY)

😀Runway OTA - YELLOW (excited)

😀Virgin Runway - Black - (SAD)
- All American
- European

😀 Tag Team Sex Siren OTA - TRANSPARENT (uncertain

😀Butch it Up (Only for Lesbian's) - ORANGE (devilish)

😀Drag Production not longer then 2.5 min.

😀Fashion Killa - Purple (freedom)

😀 Call Out

😀Vogue to everything - BLUE (HORNY)

😀Body (FF/MF) - GREY (SCARY)

Will Receive Free Entice next time + Drink coupons!!!

😊 Teilnahmegebühr / competitor fee: 4,00 €

registration via: https://forms.gle/YFfBNHkyhnCKbfqL8

😊 Eintritt/Price:
20:00 - 23:00 = 8,00 €
from 23:00 = 12,00 €

😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑If you don't have the funds to go to Paris then come by and try it by our function, You never know what can happen but if you believe it then you can receive it !!! Remember we are building our own community here !!!!!

😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑We also have many classes here in Berlin:

👠At Motion`s Moritzplatz:
Monday: 18:30-20 Uhr
Wednesday: 20-21:30 after this we have a long session
Friday: 12-13:30

Thursday 19 -20:30

👠Celebrity Dance school
Holzmarktstraße 11, 10179 Berlin, Deutschland
Friday: 20 -21:30

👠Flying Steps
Sunday 17:30-19 Uhr

😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑😓😪🤐😭😳😀🤣😊😑Ballroom abc*
*FF - Female Figure: Fem Queens, Drag Queens, Women
*MF - Male Figure: Butch Queens, Transmen, Butch
(and sometimes straight men)
*FQ - Fem Queen: ballroom lingo for trans woman
Drag Queens: males who presents the societal idea of a "woman"
Drag Kings: females who presents the societal idea of a "man"
*BQ - Butch Queen: biological men that identifies as homosexuell, regardless to which side (feminin/masculine) he is identifying with
Lion Babe: non-binary and FF (stud/butch) portraying a masculine and/or feminine sex appeal
Cat boy: a less aggressive and straight forward version of MF Sex siren. Neither masculine neither feminine Sex Appeal
*Women: cisgender women - sexuality doesn't matter
*OTA: Open to all - no sex dividing, includes non-binary and straight people (Certain categories like realness still limit the OTA)
*Virgin: first time walking / never walked - in a specific category
*Baby/Beginner: everyone who is walking a specific category under a year
*Tag Team: two people walking a category together - walking one by one but Tag your partner when you have to switch
*as a couple: two people walking a category together - literally. in the preselection and during their battles

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